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Encourages the welcoming of nursing students on mobility

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Aims to contribute to the internationalisation of nursing education in four EU countries

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus + programme under grant agreement No 2020-1-FR01-KA203-080111

Good Practices Guide

The second intellectual output of the "Care for Europe" project is a good practices guide, intended for higher education institutions with a nursing department/faculty. This is a collection of relevant practices observed in our institutions, or other partner institutions. It provides guidelines for setting up international activities that will allow for the development of inbound and outbound mobility in a nursing curriculum. The last part of the guide focuses on one of the main threads of our project: how to provide a quality welcome to incoming nursing students. The good practice guide is divided into four main parts:

1) Implementing international activities
2) Higher education partners
3) Clinical practices network
4) Welcoming of incoming nursing students

The last part entitled "Spotlight on our partners" is a selection of four good practices that we have observed among our European partners.

The good practices guide is available in French, Finnish, Hungarian, Spanish and English and can be downloaded as PDF versions directly on this dedicated webpage.

We wish you a pleasant reading!

Care for Europe -hankkeen toinen henkinen tuotos on hyvien käytäntöjen opas, joka on tarkoitettu hoitotyötä opettaville korkeakouluille. Oppaaseen on koottu oppilaitoksissamme tai muissa kumppanioppilaitoksissa havaittuja hyviä käytäntöjä opiskelijaliikkuvuuteen liittyen. Oppaan viimeisessä osassa keskitytään yhteen hankkeemme pääaiheista: miten tarjota laadukas vastaanotto tuleville sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille.

Hyvien käytäntöjen opas on saatavilla ranskaksi, suomeksi, unkariksi, espanjaksi ja englanniksi, ja sen voi ladata PDF-versiona suoraan tältä omalta verkkosivulta.

Toivotamme teille miellyttävää lukukokemusta!